With the release of Coveo for Sitecore 4.0, Coveo for Sitecore has taken a significant leap forward both in terms of architecture and capabilities. At Fishtank, we're very excited about all the new possibilities it introduces for our customers. Here's a quick overview.
Coveo Reveal (Machine Learning)
Coveo for Sitecore's site search is now intelligent. It learns. Think SkyNet but with a charmingly Canadian disposition. By leveraging machine-learning, Coveo for Sitecore 4.0 is able to anticipate and predict what your site's users are looking for - this the Coveo Reveal platform. It learns with every search performed.
New Cloud Architecture
Coveo for Sitecore has now moved to the cloud. This simplifies the architecture greatly, reduces IT operation cost and allows for sophisticaed computational activites like machinine-learning / predictive search to be supported. It also allows to a simplified model to create custom sources in the cloud (more on that later)
On-Premises vs Cloud
On-Premises versions of Coveo for Sitecore 4.0 do not have access to the "Coveo Reveal" platform. Coveo Reveal and it's predictive capabilities are driven by large-computional datasets and machine-learning that is only available in the cloud. It is expensive on-demand technology that is not practical to run on-premises.
Sitecore +7.2 Support
Coveo for Sitecore 4.0 on the cloud or on-premises is supported on Sitecore +7.2. Good news! Even if you're Sitecore instance is stuck in the past your search can still be from the future.
JavaScript Search Framework 1.0
Coveo for Sitecore 3.0 uses JavaScript Framework 0.9. With Coveo for Sitecore 4.0 the framework has been upgraded to 1.0. Most breaking changes are naming convention related to add clarity. If you're upgrading, you can find the changes here.
In Review
With Coveo for Sitecore 4.0 and Coveo Reveal, predictive search is introduced to Sitecore. This dramaticially increases the efficacy and value of search. Additionally, Coveo's reinvention of Coveo for Sitecore as a platform-as-a-service offering gives organizations flexibility to future-proof their infrastructure. There is a lot more to talk about of course. Congratulations Coveo on the Coveo for Sitecore 4.0 launch.
Thanks for reading.