Exporting And Importing Content For Translation In Sitecore

July 20, 2021

By Ashwinder Kaur

Sitecore has a built-in tool that allows you to quickly export content (for translation) in XML format and import the translated content back into the system.

Step 1

Login to Sitecore account. Go to Launchpad and select Control Panel.

Screenshot of where to find the Control Panel in the Sitecore Launchpad

Step 2

Under ‘LOCALIZATION’ select ‘Export languages’.

Select Export Languages in the Localization Section of the Control Panel in Sitecore

Step 3

Select the language(s) to export and click the Next button.

Screenshot of the Language Selection prompt for Export

Step 4

Select the root node from which to export content and click the Next button.

Screenshot of the prompt indicating which language you want to Export

Step 5

Provide a name of the output file which will contain the exported content.

Screenshot of the prompt indicating which language you want to Export

Optionally choose the location of the language file being exported and click the Next button.

Step 6

Click the download button to retrieve the language file.

Screenshot of the Download Languages prompt in Sitecore Control Panel

Click the Close button to close the dialog.

Importing The Translated Content Back Into Sitecore

Step 1

From Launchpad, choose the Import languages option.

Select Import Languages in the Localization Section of the Control Panel in Sitecore

Step 2

Provide the name of the language file. If import file is not on your sitecore instance, first upload file by clicking on Upload button.

Screenshot selecting which language file you want to import into Sitecore using the Control Panel

Step 3

Once the xml file is available for import, you can optionally choose the location of the language file and click the Open button.

Sitecore Identity Server showing the proper username after deleting the original user and logging in again

Step 4

Confirm the file selection and click the Next button.

Screenshot selecting the Language file you want to import in Sitecore

Step 5

Choose the languages to import from the translation file and click the Next button.

Screenshot of the prompt indicating with Language file you want to import into Sitecore

Step 6

Confirm your import selection information and click the Import button to start the file import.

Screenshot of the Language Import indicating which database you want to use

Thanks for reading the post!

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Ashwinder Kaur

Quality Assurance Lead

Ashwinder, aka "Ash" is a Quality Assurance Lead dedicated to ensuring high-quality products. She has a Bachelor's of Computer Science & Engineering ad more than 7 years of QA experience under her belt. Ash loves to spend time with her family, sightseeing (especially the Rocky Mountains), and enjoys solving math problems with her son.