If you are having issues with composite components with placeholder in Storybook or jest, this blog is for you.
In Sitecore Next.js, componentFactory.js is a temp file generated at build time that maps Sitecore renderings to react to components. When you place a rendering into a placeholder, this factory is responsible for correctly finding the right react component to display. However, you may find that if you are trying to display a composite component (with its own custom placeholder) in Storybook, you will be faced with an error:
This blog is aimed at solving this issue by creating a mock component factory.
The Issue
Storybook is simply unable to find the componentFactory.js because it is missing the Sitecore-specific wrapper that provides context and componentFactory.
My Setup
I have a parent component named ExpandableCardsContainer that contains a placeholder 'expandable-card' and a child component called ExpandableCard meant to be added to the 'expandable-card' placeholder.
const ExpandableCardsContainer = ({ rendering }: ExpandableCardsContainerProps): JSX.Element => {
return (
<div className="expandable-cards-container">
const ExpandableCard = ({ fields }: ExpandableCardProps): JSX.Element => (
<div className="expandable-card">
My Storybook file:
import React from 'react';
import { ComponentStory, ComponentMeta } from '@storybook/react';
import ExpandableCardsContainer from 'components/Feature/Page Content/ExpandableCardsContainer';
import { loremIpsumGenerator } from 'lib/lorem-ipsum-generator';
import { withDatasourceCheckComponentArgs } from 'src/stories/helper';
export default {
title: 'Feature/Page Content/ExpandableCardsContainer',
component: ExpandableCardsContainer,
argTypes: {},
} as ComponentMeta<typeof ExpandableCardsContainer>;
const expandableCardsFactory = (count: number): any => {
return Array.from(Array(count).keys()).map((index: number) => {
const imgSrc = `stories/cards/cat${(index % 4) + 1}.jpg`;
return {
componentName: 'ExpandableCard',
dataSource: 'Expandable Card Datasource',
fields: {
... content
const Template: ComponentStory<typeof ExpandableCardsContainer> = (args) => (
<ExpandableCardsContainer {...args} />
export const TenCards = Template.bind({});
TenCards.args = {
rendering: {
componentName: 'ExpandableCardsContainer',
placeholders: {
'expandable-card': expandableCardsFactory(10),
The Solution
Add or merge code below to your Storybook's preview.js.
const mockSitecoreContext = {
context: {
pageEditing: false,
setContext: () => { },
export const mockComponentFactory = function (componentName) {
const components = new Map();
const component = components.get(componentName);
if (component?.element) {
return component.element();
return component?.default || component;
export const decorators = [
(Story) => (
<SitecoreContext context={mockSitecoreContext} componentFactory={mockComponentFactory}>
<Story />
Note that we straight up copied the structure of the auto-generated componentFactory.js, but we manually set the map from the rendering name to their respective components. In my case, II had to add 'components.set('ExpandableCard', ExpandableCard)'. Do not forget to import the component FYI.
Additionally, if you have not, I included the mockSitecoreContext in order to bypass 'missing sitecore Context' error.