Now it it’s nineth year, Sitecore’s MVP program recognizes individual technology and digital strategy advocates who share their Sitecore passion and expertise to offer positive customer experiences that drive business results. The Sitecore Technology MVP Award recognizes the most active Sitecore experts from around the world who participate in online and offline communities to share their knowledge with other Sitecore partners and customers.
>"Fishtank has a deep commitment to Sitecore as a our technology of choice for delivering next-generation online experiences. Dan Cruickshank's MVP designation not only reflects his technical leadership and innovation with the platform, but also his commitment to contribute to the greater Sitecore community. Dan's insights are invaluable in maximizing Sitecore's potential for our clients."
Wes Fehler, Consulting Services Manager, Fishtank
Dan Cruickshank has worked with Sitecore since 2007. His experience and noted expertise helps position Fishtank as a leading implementer of Sitecore in western Canada. Through Fishtank, Dan also regularly consults with other Sitecore partners to share best-practices.
>"We are grateful for the leadership, expertise and ongoing contributions that Dan Cruickshank has made to the Sitecore community. Dan has demonstrated mastery of our technology and exemplifies the spirit of Sitecore."
Lars Fløe Nielsen, Co-Founder and Senior Vice-Pesident, Technical Marketing, Sitecore
Sitecore’s experience platform combines web content management, omni-channel digital delivery, customer insight and engagement, and strategic digital marketing tools into a single, unified platform. The platform is incredibly easy to use, capturing every minute interaction – and intention – that customers and prospects have with a brand, both on a website and across other digital channels. The end-to-end experience technology works behinds the scenes to deliver content targeted to individual customers, so that they engage in relevant brand experiences that earn loyalty and achieve results.
Fishtank creates contextually-aware, targeted experiences across digital platforms. Fishtank's "discovery & delivery" approach allows enterprise content to be discovered through a single search or web content management system and delivered, targeted per user, to to any device. Fishtank is one Canada's most experienced implementers of Coveo Enterprise Search and Sitecore's Experience Platform.
For inquries:
Dan Cruickshank, Fishtank Consulting, 1 (844) FSH-TANK x 101, [email protected]